Tight Junction Environment
TJ Proteins
TJ Function
TJ Environment
TJ Regulation
TJ Channel
TER vs Flux
TJ Maintenance
There are at least 5 different "tight junction environments".  Frequently, experiments from different tight junction environments are compared, or combined for interpretation, leading to ambiguous and paradoxical conclusions.
(A) "Steady-State" Environment:
- at least 3-7 days post-confluent (take a few rounds of cell division to evolve from flat, spread-contacted confluent monolayer to densely packed cuboidal or columnar cells), monolayer at "steady-state", i.e. cell division = turnover
- epithelial cells are FULLY polarized 
 - intercellular structures are FULLY formed and maintained at "steady-state", i.e. synthesis = turnover 
- Tight Juntion Barrrier COMPLETELY formed, i.e. impermeable to macromolecules 

(B) "Newly-Plated-confluent" Environment: 
- less than 36 hours post-plating at confluent density (before the first round of cell division), monolayer at "growth-state", i.e. cell division > turnover
- epithelial cells are PARTIALLY polarized 
- intercellular sturctures are PARTIALLY formed and at "dynamic-state", i.e. synthesis > turnover 
- Tight Juntion Barrrier NOT completely formed, i.e. permeable to macromolecules 

(C) "Pseudo-Steady-State" Environment: 
- Newly confluent monolayer after plating at low density (after plating at low density, cells grow as islands; cells in middle of islands begin to polarize and form intercellular junctions while cells at periphery spread and grow), at confluency, part monolayer at "growth-state", part at "steady-state" 
- at confluency, monlayer is heterogeneous populations of FULLY and PARTIALLY polarized cells - Some intercellular sturctures are at "dynamic-state", some at "steady-state" 
- Tight Juntion Barrrier NOT completely formed, i.e. permeable to macromolecules 

(D) "Calcium-Switched confluent" Environment: 
- cells plated at confluent density 24-48 hours in advance and allow to grow in low calcium (<50 microM) and monitored at various times (hours to days) after addition of normal calcium to growth media; initially, cells are at "growth-state" (hours), after a few cell divisions (days), cells are at "steady-state" 
- synchronized polarization of cells 
- synchronized formation of intercellular sturctures; initiallly (hours) tight junction is at "dynamic-state", after monolayer reaches "steady-state" (days), tight junction also reaches "steady-state" 
- Tight Juntion Barrrier NOT completely formed until "steady-state" 

(E) "Newly-Plated-Subconfluent" Environment:
- less than 36 hr post-plating at SUB-confluent density (before the first round of cell division), monolayer at "growth-state" - Epithelial cells are PARTIALLY polarized 
- free edges and PARTIALLY intercellular sturctures at "dynamic-state" 
- Tight Juntion Barrrier NOT completely formed, i.e. permeable to macromolecules

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